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How to take care of your bike during lockdown

Over the past few months, the COVID-19 pandemic has taken a considerable toll the world over and India is just catching up. With the number of cases being reported in the country rising fast each day there are chances of increasing the lockdown for few more days. It’s not just you who’ll be practicing social distancing, even your vehicle will lie idle. To ensure that it remains in a good working condition and stays free of niggles, Here are some quick steps to help you ensure that your bike is ready for a spin again:

  1. If your parking is a covered one, then you are well sorted. However, in case it is an open parking, it is best to get a cover for it. This will keep that beautiful paint away from harm’s way.
  2. Ensure that you have parked the two-wheeler on the main stand if you have one on your vehicle.
  3. Certain parts like the chain, springs and cables are best kept lubricated.
  4. Leaving a dirty bike is also not a good idea. So make sure you give it a wipe before storing.
  5. The battery is also one thing to be concerned about. If you have an old one, be sure to disconnect it before parking. Check the acid levels, if you top up levels use only distilled water and charge to full capacity. Also expect it to go dead after 21 days. So having a charger handy would be a good idea.
  6. Make sure that your tyres are not touching the ground and are properly aired up.

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